Association for the creation and promotion of operas.
Aims : The association aims to support the creation of swiss operas on stage or by any other media, home and abroad through production and promotion towards national and international audience. It was created in 2015 by Valérie Letellier (Chair), Louis Crelier (Secretary) and Georges Grillon (Treasurer) with a view to the creation of the opera La Citadelle de Verre (the Glass Citadel) / April 2018, music by Louis Crelier, whose association will be responsible, followed by the opera of Julien Monti & Valérie Letellier Les Faiseuses d'Anges / July 2018.
Contact : Opéra en Scène
C.P. 121 / 2024 St-Aubin-Sauges
mobile 0041 79 675 49 75